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TODO Sample:Add Category Options

Next, add category options. This requires work on both the admin panel and front-end code.

Admin panel : Add options

  1. On the item details screen, click "Edit/Add Item"
  2. Click the “Category” settings button
  3. Add options (e.g. Z)

Add options

Admin panel:Check display item ID

  1. Click the option settings button [:]
  2. Specify the option ID (e.g. categoryZ)

add options

Frontend:Add options

Category selection values can be set in src/constants/datastore.js on the frontend. At this time, specify the item name to be displayed in the front-end option menu and the option ID set on the admin panel.


export const OPTIONS = {
name: "A",
value: "categoryA",
name: "B",
value: "categoryB",
name: "C",
value: "categoryC",
name: "Z",
value: "categoryZ",