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External API Interaction (ChatGPT) with ActionScript

This article explains how to link with external web services using Hexabase ActionScript. As a subject, we will take up OpenAI's ChatGPT API.

Call the ChatGPT API from Hexabase only once and write the result to the field.

ChatGPT answers may take several tens of seconds, so you may not get an answer immediately after asking a question. In this demo program, you can display the answer by checking the item after a few tens of seconds.

What to create

It is a program that ChatGPT will answer when you post a question.

It does not have a front end, and you can get answers by operating directly on the admin panel.

Also, each question is independent and does not take into account previous questions and answers.

Finished app

API to use



  1. Get an OpenAI account
  2. Get the API Key of OpenAI API

You can check the operation with the following Curl command:

$ curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [
{"role": "user", "content": "観光客向けに、ソメイヨシノについて150文字程度で説明して"}


  • Obtain a Hexabase account

  • Prepare the workspace application database

  • Prepare the following fields in the database:

    • Question(Display ID = "title")
    • Answer(Display ID = "answer_ai")
  • Set the API key for the OpenAI API in Application Settings > Program Extension > Constant Registration

Set ChatGPT API key


Set the following script in the newly created action, ActionScript - Post.

Source code

async function main(data) {"Main Process starting...");

const ENDPOINT = '';
const API_KEY = '{gpt_token}';
const result_ai = await callChatGPT(data.title, ENDPOINT, API_KEY);"Result AI:" + result_ai);

const appId = "APP-AI-posts";
const datastoreId = "Db-Article";
const comment_fieldId = "answer_ai"; // ID of field to write comment
return await callHexaAPI(data, appId, datastoreId, comment_fieldId, result_ai);

async function callChatGPT(prompt, ENDPOINT, API_KEY) {

return await
model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
messages: [{
role: "user",
content: prompt
max_tokens: 200
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${API_KEY}`,
).then(response => {
.catch (error => {
if (error.response) {
} else if (error.request) {
console.log('APIへのリクエストエラー:', error.request);
} else {
console.log('エラー:', error.message);
throw new Error(error);

async function callHexaAPI(data, appId, datastoreId, comment_fieldId, comment_ai) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {"処理を開始します...");

// Call the Hexabase API
const url = "api/v0/applications/" + appId + "/datastores/" + datastoreId + "/items/edit/" + data.i_id;
const payload = {
"item": {
[comment_fieldId]: comment_ai
"use_display_id": true,
"return_item_result": true,
"is_force_update": true,
"access_key_updates": {
"ignore_action_settings": true,
"overwrite": false,
"apply_related_ds": true,
"groups_to_publish": []
} // API request parameters
return callAPIAsync('POST', url, payload).then(res => {
logger.log(;"処理が完了しました:" + data.title + ":" + comment_ai);
}).catch(error => {
logger.error("エラーが発生しました:" + error)



Action script editor

This code calls two functions from the main function.

The first callChatGPT function calls the ChatGPT API and learns the answer from the question.

The second callHexaAPI function calls the Hexabase API and writes the answer to the field.


  1. Press the new post button in the application on the admin panel

  2. When prompted to create a new item, enter your question Enter your question

  3. Once the item is created, close the item details (at this stage, the answer has not been obtained)

  4. After about 10 seconds, click on the created question item, and the answer will be written. Get answer

ChatGPT answers may take several tens of seconds, so you may not get an answer immediately after asking a question. Therefore, in this demonstration program, the answer is displayed by checking the item after 10 seconds have passed.