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AutoNumber using Numbering API

The GetAutoNumber API can be used to generate unique numbers automatically in a certain format.

GetAutoNumber API


URL Params

app-id      : Application ID (Specify the display ID set in the admin panel)
datastore-id : Data store ID (specify display ID set in the admin panel)
field-id : Field ID for auto-numbered items (specify display ID set on the admin panel)

Query Params

- branch_key    : Specify the branch number code    (Optional)
- zero_padding : Add zeros to the number e.g.)1 -> 0001
- digit : Specify the number of digits e.g.)5 -> 00001

If you want to get a branch number for each department or product, use branch_key to operate on each branch number

Configuration of AutoNumber fields

The numbering API (GetAutoNumber) supports auto-numbered fields. To use the numbering API, you must add and configure an auto number type field.

  1. Create an auto number type field using "add a new field" on the admin panel
  2. Set the Field ID in "field settings"

Configuring auto number type fields

Examples of required IDs

- app-id :    TestApp
- datastore-id : TODO-SAMPLE
- field-id : AutoNum1

GetAutoNumber API call example



Types of numbering

Default(no parameter specified)=>   Prefix+Sequential number
branch_key (Specify branch number) => Prefix + branch number + Sequential number (within branch number)

Request example

... fields/AutoNum1/autonum?branch_key=SUBCODE_&zero_padding=true&digit=3

Response example

"has_error": false,
"result": {
"number": 4,
"value": "PREFIX_SUBCODE_004"

Numbering API use cases

The value is updated every time you get it with the numbering API. To keep the obtained value, store it in another field.

The field to be stored can be a Text type field. It is not necessary to store them in auto number fields.

"value": Get “A001"

GET /autonum?branch_key=A&zero_padding=true&digit=3

Sequential numbering by year and month

GET /autonum?branch_key=202011&zero_padding=true&digit=5

Numbering API use cases

How the numbering API works

The numbering API will be numbered in the order in which the API is executed. The number management table has the following logical structure. The automatically assigned numbers are transaction-managed using MySQL to prevent duplicates. At this time, if the branch number is changed, it will be reset.

Field IDBranch number codeNumber